Rachel & Oscar Mendoza

Guatemala (UK based)


We met on mission in Guatemala and both have a real heart for the country and the people. We are so excited to have the privilege of working and serving in the community and seeing what God wants to do in the lives of His people there. In 2015 we begin our journey with Elim International Missions and are being sent out by our home church, City Church St. Albans. Our desire is to take God’s love to the unloved, those who are rejected or overlooked. We long to see people restored and changed by God and by knowing His love for them. We really value your prayers, especially at this time as we take our first steps into this new territory.

We want to invite you to be part of the work we are doing, your prayers are really important.

Prayer Points

  • To find ways to connect with the community & make an impact
  • Protection and safety
  • Guidance and wisdom in establishing new ministries
  • To see people come to know God

Latest News

Mendoza's news from Guatemala January 2022
A belated Happy New Year to you all!
Mendoza News from Guatemala January 2021
Happy New Year to you all!

Our Missionaries in The Americas

Rachel and Oscar Mendoza
Guatemala (UK based)